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+256 750 420171 | +256 771 999564

We are open 09:00 - 17:00, Monday to Friday.

Who we are

PAUL LOKECH FOUNDATION is a non-profit that deploys a Human- centered -Design Approach and a Theory of Change to Support the Resilience of livelihoods of individuals affected by war and poverty particularly women, youth and children-including refugees and those with disabilities across the world. Founded in 2021, Lokech Foundation undertakes the task of peace-building, peace-making and conflict resolution under the discipline of nonviolence.

Our Vision

We envision a world in which people address conflicts non-violently, where human rights are universally upheld and social justice and intercultural respect have become a reality.

Our Mission

To promote open spaces for peace in which conflicts can be dealt with non-violently by supporting and acting on request of local non-violent groups working for human rights and social change in regions where there is oppression and conflict-building upon non-hierarchical structures and consensual processes.

What we do



We understand that war is a bad instrument of peace. When war breaks out, people’s lives are destroyed but it does not have to be this way. Our work revolves supporting local activists to carefully monitor the triggers of war and sound the alarm before violence erupts, defuse deadly tensions, heal the divides of conflict, engage world leaders and rebuild lives after the war/conflict.

Get in touch


Parea workspaces, Block 665, Level 2
Kampala - Uganda


+256 750 420171
+256 771999564
